





  1. 請一律另紙註明作者姓名、職銜、通訊地址等個人資料,正文中請勿附上足以辨識作者身分之資料,以利審查作業。
  2. 請務必提供:a)中英文關鍵詞;b)300字以內的中英文摘要;c)論文英文標題;d)作者英文姓名拼法與英文職稱。
  3. 論文全文字數,限制為一萬五千字至兩萬字(含注釋、表格及參考書目)。
  4. 論文審查作業需時一至二個月,錄取與否均將專函通知。本刊不接受一稿兩投,故未獲知結果前如欲另投他處,請及早通知本刊撤銷投稿。
  5. 投稿後一週,若無收到回信請來電確認稿件是否寄達,以免發生遺失等事情。

★ 來稿請用電腦文書處理並註明檔名,檔案軟體請以能與Windows相容者為限。文字橫向排列,並註明頁碼。

★ 請以電子郵件附件方式 E-mail 至 ncrs2@mwr.org.tw,或寄至234新北市永和區中山路一段236號6樓/新世紀宗教研究編輯部收。


Tel: 886-2-82316789 #1807或1811
Fax: 886-2-8231-6868, 2232-1010
Website: http://www.ncrs.org.tw

Call for English Papers & Style for Paper Submission

New Century Religious Studies is an academic journal open to a variety of perspectives with a view linking both global and local researches and encouraging an interdisciplinary approach to religious studies. This international journal aims to promote academic research on various religions and cultures and increase exchanges among scholars from different fields. With a formal reviewing system for submissions of research writings, it is published quarterly on the 25th day of March, June, September and December.

Topics for Paper Submission:

Subjects related to religious studies or interdisciplinary research on religions and cultures.

Citation Format:

Please use APA style for submissions written in English. If your submission is written in Chinese, please refer to our website for citation format: http://www.093edu.org.tw/content/knowledge/studies/write.aspx.

Manuscript Submission Guideline
  1. To facilitate the journal’s anonymous refereeing process, there must be no indication of personal identity or institutional affiliation in the hard copy of the manuscript or the electronic file containing the manuscript. The name and institution of the author should appear only in the vita. The author may cite his/her previous works, but only in the third person.
  2. Please offer a vita as Word-attachment with a brief description of your academic background, including your academic credentials, the institution you are now affiliated with, your current position, as well as your mailing address, telephone number, fax number, e-mail address, and any other contact information.
  3. Papers in English should not exceed 30 pages (A4, double-spaced) and reviews should not exceed 8 pages in length, while papers in Chinese should not exceed 20,000 characters. Exceptions can occasionally be made in special cases.
  4. Submissions should include Chinese and English versions of the title, the author’s name, an abstract (approx. 300 words), and five keywords.
  5. The reviewing process takes one to two months. Acceptance of manuscripts will be informed promptly. Submitted papers must be previously unpublished (for papers presented at a conference, please make sure that they will not be published).
  6. E-mail us all materials to: ncrs2@mwr.org.tw or mail to New Century Religious Studies Editing Section, 6F., No.236, Sec.1, Chungshan Rd., Yonghe Dist., New Taipei City 234, Taiwan.
  7. For subscription information please call or e-mail to:

    Phone: 886-2-82316789 ext.1807 or 1811
    Fax: 886-2-8231-6868, 2232-1010
    E-mail: ncrs2@mwr.org.tw
    Website: http://www.ncrs.org.tw